
Monday, 8 September 2014

I'm Going on a Treasure Hunt – Who's Coming With Me?

This weekend, I've spent more time than usual in church. Four services in total, rather than the usual one or two. All of them were very different in style: two at my home church, one "standard" service, one more casual; one high Anglican evensong; one Catholic mass.

In different ways, God spoke to me through all of them.

Through the sermon that spoke right into the place I was in, like an arrow hitting the bullseye. The words of a Psalm, sung so beautifully by a choir. Speaking out the words of the Apostles' Creed. Sitting, reflecting in the silence. Walking around, enjoying spectacular artwork and architecture, the sole purpose of which was to glorify God. 

(There's an example in the photo below, of Westminster Cathedral in London. The picture doesn't do it justice by any means, but it's absolutely stunning, and well worth a visit.)

In the very fact that I was joining with my brothers and sisters in Christ to praise God – even if it's not the way I "normally" do it.

I love that.

The inside of Westminster Cathedral

I also found that I was seeing and hearing more of God in other ways. I don't know whether it was linked whether the services I'd been attending had opened my eyes and ears to things I would have missed otherwise, and by being out of my comfort zone I was more aware of Him speaking in different ways. Perhaps it was just down to "chance".

In the pages of a new book I'm reading. On my drive home from work on Friday, when I found myself praying in a way I'd never done before. In good conversations with friends, and laughing until it hurt. Even just taking time to rest.

It got me thinking. 

What if we all went looking for Him that little bit harder in the everyday things? What if we all expected it? 

I don't think He'd disappoint us.

So, I'm going to take a leap of faith.

For the next eight weeks I've decided to go on a treasure hunt. From now until 2nd November – just after my birthday – I'm going to intentionally look for opportunities to meet with God in my everyday life.

Not just at church, in the big meetings, or the time I carve out specifically to hang out with Jesus.

All. The. Time.

Changing my prayers from "Lord, please bless what I do today" to "Lord, show me what You're doing today, and how I can get involved". I'm hoping that, by the end of those eight weeks, I'll have made it a habit.

You're more than welcome to come along for the ride. I'll be writing a weekly post here about how it's going, as well as other bits and pieces along the way – but if anyone wants to join me in taking up the challenge, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page, and we can encourage each other along the way!

I'm really excited to see what happens next. I hope you'll join me on this part of the journey.

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